Two Penguins and a Treasure to Be Discovered is an adventure where penguins Jorge and Tito introduce the notions needed to stimulate fluency in young children.

This book uses the “Estrategias de Con-ciencia”® Speech Therapy Approach for working with fluency and integrates its five dimensions:
· Dimension of motor control when speaking
· Emotional Dimension
· Cognitive Dimension
· Linguistic Dimension
· Social Dimension

Available in English and Spanish, and book is written by Mariela Ginhson and María Marta Gebara, speech-language pathologists located in Buenes Aires, Argentina, who have both participated in workshops offered by the Stuttering Foundation. The book is illustrated and designed by Cecilia Veiga.

Estrategias de Con-ciencia Abordaje Multidimensional de la Tartamudez

From the Fall 2021 Magazine